Qantas Super will be merging with Australian Retirement Trust on 29 March 2025. Learn more.

Whether it’s been a while since you caught up with us, or you’re just starting your super journey, we thought it’s about time we all got together in person.

That’s why Qantas Super is kicking off 2023 with a Festival of Super at Mascot Campus!

Taking place across Campus on Thursday 2 February 2023, the event will give you the chance to put faces to names and get to know more about your super fund and the work we do for our members.

  • From 9am: Meet our team on The Street and get to know the companies your super is invested in
  • From 11am: Join us in the James Strong Auditorium for our 2021/22 Annual Member Meeting
  • From 12pm: Help us wrap up the Festival with a BBQ in the Backyard

Annual Member Meeting Agenda:

Qantas Super’s 2021/22 Annual Member Meeting will be held in the James Strong Auditorium at Mascot Campus on Thursday 2 February at 11am (Sydney time).

  • John Atkin, Chair: Welcome and overview of 2021/22
  • Cecilia Ho, Director and Chair of the Member Experience Committee: A look at our Member Experience initiatives through the year, and the changes made to insurance on 1 July 2022
  • Michael Clancy, Chief Executive Officer: A focus on the key highlights and achievements of the year
  • Andrew Spence, Chief Investment Officer: A recap of investment performance through 2021/22
  • Suzette Thurman, Chief Risk Officer: An overview of our risk management program, with a focus on cyber and information security
  • Panel: Question and answer session

You must register to attend the event.

You’ll be able to ask questions during the Annual Member Meeting, but if you can’t attend, or want to submit a question ahead of time, you can email it to us and we’ll answer it on the day.

Please note that we can’t provide advice or answer questions about your personal circumstances. If you’ve got a question that can’t wait, or need advice about your personal situation, you can book a session with a Super Adviser and get one-on-one help with your super, at no extra cost.

Catch up on the year that was

Additional information

The following information is provided in accordance with paragraph 29P(3)(b) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) (SIS) Act 1993 and regulation 2.10 of the SIS Regulations 1994 (the Regulations). During 2021/22 we did not make any political donations, nor did we make any payments to any industrial bodies.

Short-form expenditure summary relating to the entity for the 2021/22 financial year

Expense categoryTotal ($)
Aggregate remuneration expenditure$2,433,081
Aggregate political donationsNil
Aggregate promotion, marketing, or sponsorship expenditure$72,758
Aggregate industrial body paymentsNil
Aggregate related party payments$259,376
Can't make it?

If you can’t join us, don’t worry – we’ll be recording the Annual Member Meeting and making it available online, so you’ll be able to watch the action later. If you’d like to meet our team, you can catch our Super Advice team when they visit your base. Our team regularly travels to workplaces around Australia to run seminars and provide one-on-one help and advice – you can learn more and check when they’re visiting your base here.

You can also find your Annual Statement for the 2021/22 financial year by logging into your account online. Any notices you may have received advising of your insurance cover ceasing because of inactivity will also be available to view in your online account. If you would like to cancel or amend your cover, you can do this at any time by filling out the relevant form.

We're here to help

If you want to learn more or need help with making a decision about your super, you can get simple advice over the phone or face to face. It’s included as a part of your membership so there’s no extra cost.