Qantas Super will be merging with Australian Retirement Trust on 29 March 2025. Learn more.

As a member of Qantas Super, you are provided with insurance cover. However, the type of cover provided depends on a variety of factors, including your division, age, and type of membership. In particular, your insurance will change when you leave employment at Qantas Group.

When you leave employment at Qantas Group you will become a Retained Member of the Gateway Division in Qantas Super. Changes to your insurance at this point will depend on whether you are already a member of Gateway, or if you are transferring from another division of Qantas Super.

If you’re already a member of Gateway, when you become a Retained Member in Gateway:

  • Your Basic Cover for death and TPD will automatically continue as Fixed Dollar Basic Cover (with the fixed dollar amount of cover calculated at the date you cease to be employed with the Qantas Group). The level of this cover will remain fixed and will not change with salary, age or membership. Any restrictions, exclusions or premium loadings will continue to apply. Insurance premiums will continue to be deducted from your account to meet the cost of your insurance cover;
  • Any Voluntary Cover for death only or death and TPD also automatically continues and premiums continue to be deducted from your account. Any restrictions or exclusions continue to apply;
  • Basic Cover for income protection will cease 90 days after the day you cease employment with the Qantas Group, and you become a Retained Member.
  • Any Basic or Voluntary Cover for death and TPD that relates to a product in Qantas Super will cease 16 months from the date of the last contribution or rollover to your account that relates to that product, unless you elect to maintain your cover by completing the form at keepmyinsurance.

If you transfer from another division of Qantas Super, when you become a Retained Member in Gateway:

  • Any Standard Cover for death and TPD you have in your previous division as at the date you cease employment will be transferred to your Gateway account as Fixed Dollar Basic Cover1. Your Fixed Dollar Basic Cover will be set as a fixed dollar amount based on the amount of Standard Cover for death (with dependants where applicable) you have on the date you ceased employment. Where your Standard Cover for TPD is a monthly benefit or less than your Standard Cover for death, your Fixed Dollar Basic Cover for TPD in Gateway is set at a fixed dollar amount equal to your Standard Cover for death. The level of this cover will remain fixed and will not change with salary, age or membership. Any restrictions, exclusions or premium loadings will continue to apply;
  • Insurance premiums are deducted from your account in Gateway to meet the cost of your insurance cover. It is very important to note that if you are currently a member of Division 1, 2, 3, 3A (former non-contributory members of the AAGSP only), 4, 5, 10, 12 or 15, you currently do not pay for all or a portion (as applicable) of your Standard Cover but you will commence paying for Basic Cover when you become a Retained Member in Gateway. These costs might be significant;
  • Your Fixed Dollar Basic Cover in Gateway can be cancelled or reduced at any time and premium deductions will then stop or be reduced. To cancel or reduce your Fixed Dollar Basic Cover, complete the application form;
  • Any Voluntary Cover for death and TPD you have in your previous division as at the date you cease employment, will be transferred to your Gateway account as Voluntary Cover and premiums continue to be deducted from your account. Any restrictions or exclusions continue to apply;
  • If you transfer from Division 5, 6, 7 or 10 of Qantas Super, any Standard Cover you have for income protection (if applicable) will cease 90 days after the day you cease employment with the Qantas Group. If you transfer from Division 1, 2 or 3 of Qantas Super, any Standard Cover you have for income protection will cease on the day you cease to be a member of that division;
  • Any Standard or Voluntary Cover for death and TPD that relates to a product in Qantas Super will cease 16 months from the date of the last contribution or rollover to your account that relates to that product, unless you elect to maintain your cover by completing the form at keepmyinsurance.

1If you subsequently lodge a claim for a TPD benefit after you cease employment, the rules for determining and calculating your TPD benefit will be determined by the division you were in at the date of disablement.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Fixed Dollar Basic Cover?

    Fixed Dollar Basic Cover means the amount of insurance cover you receive is a fixed dollar amount, which can be requested by you (subject to insurer approval).

    If you are a Retained Member who was already in Gateway at the time you ceased employment with the Qantas Group or elected choice of fund, your Basic Cover for death and TPD continues in Gateway as Fixed Dollar Basic Cover equal to the dollar amount of Salary-Linked Basic Cover, plus any Fixed Dollar Basic Cover you had on the day you ceased employment with the Qantas Group.

    If you are a Retained Member who transferred from another division of Qantas Super, your Fixed Dollar Basic Cover for death and TPD in Gateway is equal to the amount of your Standard Cover transferred from your other division when you ceased employment.

  • What is Salary-linked Basic Cover?

    Salary-linked Basic Cover means the amount of insurance cover you receive is calculated as a multiple of your Salary for Insurance Purposes. It is available to Employee Members only.

    For Death and TPD, your Basic Cover is calculated as a multiple (based on your age) of your Salary for Insurance Purposes.

    Basic Cover for income protection is equal to 75% of your Salary for Insurance Purposes, less any other income you are entitled to from your employer or other sources, including but not limited to, annual or sick leave payments, any disability income from other insurance policies and workers compensation.

    The amount of your Salary-Linked Basic Cover is calculated upon joining Gateway and then on 1 October each year thereafter.

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