Super Chats podcast: Episode 4
Who runs Qantas Super?
If asked for the first thing that comes to mind when they think of superannuation, most people will probably think about investment returns, or advice. But there’s a lot that goes on to keep Qantas Super running. So, in today’s episode, we’re taking a look behind the scenes to explain how a super fund runs, by introducing you to the people who run Qantas Super.
You can learn more about who runs Qantas Super here.
You can also find the podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
This podcast is of a general nature and does not take into account your personal objectives, situation or needs, and may not be applicable to members across all divisions. Before making a decision about Qantas Super, consider your financial needs and read the member disclosure documents applicable to your membership. Issued by Qantas Superannuation Limited ABN 47 003 806 960 AFSL 288330 (Trustee, we, our, us) as trustee for the Qantas Superannuation Plan ABN 41 272 198 829 (Qantas Super or Plan).