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We’ve made changes to the way you log in to your account to make the process simpler and more secure. On this page we’ve answered some common member questions about the new log in process to help you through this change.
If you’d like help over the phone, please call us on 1300 362 967.
To access your online account, you need to go through a one-off activation process to set up your new login details. It only takes a few minutes. Once your account is activated, you will only need your email address and password to log in going forward.
To active your account, go to the log in page and then click ‘Activate’. You’ll be asked to enter the following details:
1. Your account code. Use the code below that corresponds to your account type:
2. Your member number
3. Your PIN/password. If you can’t remember your PIN/password, click the ‘I don’t have a PIN’ link and you’ll be asked to confirm your date of birth.
You’ll then receive a verification email with a link to set up your new password.
Once you set up your new password, your account is activated and can log in to access your account information as normal.
This code refers to the type of account you have with Qantas Super. You do not need to remember this code, it is used only in the account activation process. Use the code in the list below that corresponds to the type of account you have:
If you don’t know what type of account you have, please call us for assistance on 1300 362 967.
Your member number is included at the top or emails and letters we send you. An easy way to find your member number is to search for emails that Qantas Super have sent you.
Your member number is also included in your annual statement.
If you can’t remember or find your member number, please call us on 1300 362 967 for assistance.
The new login process requires all members to log in with an email address that is unique to them. This means that if you share an email address with another member, for instance your spouse or a family member, you will need to provide us with a different and unique email address in order to log into your account.
You can update your email address during the activation process by clicking the ‘update my email address’ link.
You’ll be able to add your email address to your account during the activation process. Simply click the ‘update my email address’ link, enter your email address and we will send you a verification email with a link to set up your new password.
When you’re asked to enter your PIN/password, simply click the ‘I don’t have a PIN’ link. You’ll then be asked to confirm your date of birth, and can progress through the activation process this way.
Yes, you can update your email address during the activation process. Click the ‘update my email address’ link when the incorrect email address is shown. You’ll then be able to enter your correct email address. We’ll send a verification email to your new email address in order for you to progress through the activation process.
If you are experiencing problems logging in, here are a few things to check:
Need to contact Qantas Super? Here are all the ways you can get in touch with us about your super.
As a member you get access to a range of advice options at no additional cost. Whether you prefer to discuss your super over the phone or read it online, we’re here to help you.
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