Qantas Super will be merging with Australian Retirement Trust on 29 March 2025. Learn more.

We conduct reviews of our investment options to make sure they’re set up in the best way to achieve their return objectives. On 4 May 2020, the asset allocation ranges for our investment options (excluding the Cash option) changed.

What are asset allocation ranges?

Your super investments are categorised into five asset classes; equities, growth alternatives, defensive alternatives, fixed interest, and cash. Each of our investment options has a different strategic allocation to these asset classes, which is chosen with the aim of achieving our investment return objectives.

The actual allocation to each asset class will be within an asset allocation range and typically varies with investment decisions and market movements. The range defines the minimum and maximum amounts we invest in each asset class.

Why have the ranges changed?

Since the start of the COVID-19 health crisis, we have seen an increase in market volatility and a higher than usual number of members making requests to switch their investment options. This has meant the balance of some of our asset classes have changed relative to others. Widening the asset allocation ranges will improve our ability to achieve investment return objectives, in the best interests of our members.

The new asset allocation ranges

Aggressive and Glidepath: Take-Off
Asset classStrategic asset allocation (%)Old range (%)New range (%)
Growth assets9080-10075-100
- Equities7060-8055-85
- Growth alternatives2010-305-35
Defensive assets100-200-25
- Defensive alternatives80-180-23
- Fixed interest00-100-15
- Cash20-120-17
Growth and Glidepath: Altitude
Asset classStrategic asset allocation (%)Old range (%)New range (%)
Growth assets7060-8055-85
- Equities5545-6540-70
- Growth alternatives155-250-30
Defensive assets3020-4015-45
- Defensive alternatives100-200-25
- Fixed interest188-283-33
- Cash20-120-17
Glidepath: Cruising
Asset classStrategic asset allocation (%)Old range (%)New range (%)
Growth assets6050-7045-75
- Equities4838-5833-63
- Growth alternatives122-220-27
Defensive assets4030-5025-55
- Defensive alternatives100-200-25
- Fixed interest2515-3510-40
- Cash50-150-20
Balanced and Glidepath: Destination
Asset classStrategic asset allocation (%)Old range (%)New range (%)
Growth assets5040-6035-65
- Equities4030-5025-55
- Growth alternatives100-200-25
Defensive assets5040-6035-65
- Defensive alternatives100-200-25
- Fixed interest3020-4015-45
- Cash100-200-25
Asset classStrategic asset allocation (%)Old range (%)New range (%)
Growth assets3020-4015-45
- Equities2515-3510-40
- Growth alternatives50-150-20
Defensive assets7060-8055-85
- Defensive alternatives100-200-25
- Fixed interest4535-5530-60
- Cash155-250-30

Frequently asked questions

We're here to help

If you’d like to understand these changes in more detail or want to discuss your investment options, please call our friendly helpline on 1300 362 967 or book an appointment with a Super Adviser.