Qantas Super will be merging with Australian Retirement Trust on 29 March 2025. Learn more.

With all that’s happened in 2020, we can understand if your super hasn’t exactly been at the top of your to-do list.

But with 2021 and the sense of a fresh start around the corner, there are a few quick and easy things you can do to make sure your super’s in shape for the new year:

1. Update your contact details

This is one of the most important things you can do to stay on top of your super – and one of the easiest.

Whether you’re moving, getting a new phone number, or changing your name, it’s important to update your details with us so we can keep in touch with important news and information you need to know about your super. If you currently use your Qantas Group work email address to hear from us, we recommend you switch to your personal email address to make sure you can always keep track of your Qantas Super wherever life takes you.

You can easily update your contact details by logging into your account.

While you’re there, you can also review your communication preferences, or how you prefer to get information from us. By opting to receive emails, you’ll help us reduce the amount of paper we use!

2. Review your investment options

As you may have heard us say, super is a long term investment. So while it’s true you don’t need to switch your investment options every day, you do need to review them every so often to ensure they still align with your changing needs and lifestyle goals.

In particular, if you switched your options earlier this year in response to volatility in the market, now could be a good time to review them again to ensure they still work for you.

You can review your options online.

3. Check your beneficiaries

While your super’s primary purpose is to help you live out your retirement, it also has the ability to create security for those you leave behind after you die.

That’s why it’s important to let us know who your loved ones are by nominating them as beneficiaries, and keeping these nominations up to date if your personal circumstances change.

4. Take Qantas Super to your second job

Qantas Super is designed to be by your side, wherever life takes you.

If you’ve been stood down and find work with another employer, you can have your super paid to your Qantas Super account as long as you remain a Qantas Group employee. Simple complete this form and give it to your new employer.

Meanwhile, if you’ve left your role at the Qantas Group, you’ll notice a few changes to your account. If you’re joining a new employer, you can continue to contribute to your Qantas Super account by:

  • Making BPAY contributions – you can find your BPAY details online; or
  • Rolling over contributions from your other super funds into your Qantas Super account

Just log in to get started.

Watch this short video to learn about what happens to your account when you leave employment at the Qantas Group:

5. Explore whether an income account is right for you

If you’re considering either slowing down at work or hanging up your boots for good, a Qantas Super Income Account could help you take that next step.

If you’ve reached your preservation age, there are two types of income accounts you may be eligible to open, depending on what you want to do next:

Transition to retirement

If you want to semi-retire, opening an income account as a Transition to Retirement Member will allow you to start accessing payments from your super*.

This means you can cut back at work, while topping up your regular income.


If you’re ready to retire, you may be eligible to open an income account as a Retirement Member and start receiving regular payments from your super. Your payments will be sent to your nominated bank account, just like a salary, and you can choose how often you receive a payment, helping you keep your budget on track*. You can also access extra funds from your account when any unexpected expenses pop up.

Best of all, when you transfer your super to an income account for the first time as a Retirement Member, you could be eligible to receive a special bonus!

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