Qantas Super will be merging with Australian Retirement Trust on 29 March 2025. Learn more.


Designed for investors who want exposure to cash, via an ANZ bank account. The risk of negative returns is very low.

Investment objective

This investment stage aims to:

  • achieve a return equal to the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index, after tax and investment fees, over a rolling one year period; and
  • never achieve a negative annual return.

Minimum suggested time to invest

No minimum time applicable.

Risk level

This investment option has a very low degree of risk (risk band 1).

The estimated number of negative annual returns over any 20 year period is nil.1

1 Please see the ‘Risks of Super’ section in the Investment Guide for more information on the risk level.

Asset classStrategic asset allocation1 (%)Range (%)
Investment performance

View the latest returns for Cash and other investment options

How we invest

We focus on investing your money in long term, high quality, value for money investments

Other investment options

Take a look at some of the other investment options available to you as a Qantas Super member