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After several years of volatility in investment markets, with returns swinging from negative to record highs, and back to the low single-digits, the 2022/23 financial year has seen a return to what we could consider more ‘normal’ numbers, with Qantas Super delivering strong absolute returns across all investment options.

These last few years underscore why you’ll always see two regular disclaimers whenever we talk about investment returns: past performance is not an indicator of future performance, and that it’s important to look beyond the short term.

Though they may seem like cliches, they hold true both in times of highs and during the lows – just as the negative returns for the 12 months to 30 June 2020 were no indication of the record high returns to come over the next financial year, those record returns in turn were not a reliable indicator of the following year. This is because it’s normal for financial markets to experience ups and downs over the short term.

Looking at returns over the long term, on the other hand, can help provide a broader picture of consistency. For example, most of our investment options continue to rank in the top 10 in their respective SuperRatings categories over 3 and 5 years as at 30 June 2023. In fact, all the options below are 1st quartile in their respective SuperRatings categories over 3, 5 and 7-year periods as at 30 June 2023*.

OptionOver 3 yearsOver 5 yearsOver 7 years
Aggressive (SR50 Growth 77-90)3rd7th11th
Growth (SR50 Balanced 60-70)2nd4th6th
Balanced (SR25 Conservative Balanced 41-59)2nd3rd6th
Conservative (SR50 Capital Stable 20-40)3rd5th5th
Cash (SR50 Cash Index)1st2nd5th
Performance for super accounts

Returns for 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 10 years are to 30 June 2023.

Investment option
Financial year to date:
as at 30 June 2023
1 year
3 years
5 years
6 years
7 years
10 years
Glidepath: Take-off
Glidepath: Altitude
Glidepath: Cruising
Glidepath: Destination

Glidepath was established on 1 October 2015. Thrifty was established on 1 July 2021. Returns shown are based on the returns of the corresponding investment options previously available through Division 9. Returns do not include administration fees, insurance premiums, and other fees that may be applied directly to your account. Returns for super and TTR accounts are also net of taxes. The actual return for your account depends on the period of time you were invested in an investment option, the timing of transactions in and out of your account, and the impacts of compounding. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

How your investment options are performing against their objectives

As at 30 June 2023 – all returns and objectives are per annum and after investment fees.

Investment optonReturn objectiveActual returnReturn objectiveDifference
Glidepath: Take-offCPI +4.0% p.a. over 10 years8.9% (7 year return)7.7%+1.2%
Glidepath: AltitudeCPI +3.5% p.a. over 7 years7.8% (7 year return)6.8%+1.0%
Glidepath: CruisingCPI +3.0% p.a. over 5 years6.2% (5 year return)6.6%-0.4%
Glidepath: DestinationCPI +2.5% p.a. over 5 years5.5% (5 year return)6.1%-0.6%
AggressiveCPI +4.0% p.a. over 10 years8.7% (10 year return)7.4%+1.3%
GrowthCPI +3.5% p.a. over 7 years7.8% (7 year return)6.8%+1.0%
BalancedCPI +2.5% p.a. over 5 years5.5% (5 year return)6.1%-0.6%
ConservativeCPI +1.5% p.a. over 3 years5.2% (3 year return)6.9%-1.7%
ThriftyCPI +3.0% p.a. over 7 years 2.6% (2 year return)6.4%-3.8%
CashBloomberg AusBond Bank Bill over 1 year3.0% (1 year return)2.7%+0.3%

As Glidepath was established on 1 October 2015, only seven year returns are shown for these options. Thrifty has a 7 year investment horizon, however as it was established on 1 July 2021 only the two year return can be shown.

*SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey – Accumulation at 30 June 2023. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Before considering whether Qantas Super is right for you, consider the PDS and TMDs.

What's behind the numbers?

Want to know the stories behind the numbers? We had Chris Grogan, Head of Defensive Assets and Deputy CIO at Qantas Super, talk us through the latest market activity and what’s on the horizon:

Listed equities

Strong performance over 2022/23 was spearheaded by listed equity markets, both at home and abroad, with tech companies leading the charge.

As Chris explained, the so-called “Magnificent Seven” tech stocks – Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Tesla – helped the US market rally this year, which contributed to a strong result for Qantas Super’s listed equities portfolio.

Equities also helped deliver a significant turnaround for our newest investment option, Thrifty: which declined -5.4% in 2021/22, Thrifty sprang back up to return 11.2% over 2022/23.

“Thrifty has an allocation of 72.5% to listed equities. This is invested via the tracking of multiple indices, which means it got the combination of the global and Australian markets,” Chris explained. Thrifty also has a 5% allocation to cash, allowing it to benefit from the raft of interest rate rises over the last year. The remaining allocation is in Australian Government Bonds, which returned 0.9% over the year.

The contribution of the listed equities portfolio to our investment returns this financial year highlights the importance of diversification: Qantas Super does not just invest in the share market; rather, we have invested across over 5,000 investments, which in addition to shares, also includes property, infrastructure, agriculture, a variety of bonds, and cash.

Having your super spread across these different types of investments is designed to help smooth the ups and downs that may be experienced by any one category of investment and allow your super to keep performing in the long-term.

For example, where our private equity portfolio helped power Qantas Super through 2020/21 and 2021/22, it saw more modest returns (+5.9%) over 2022/23. Meanwhile, our listed equities portfolio, which had seen modest returns over 2021/22, saw more growth over the past financial year.

The impact of inflation

The rising cost of living has been likely been front of mind for many, with inflation leading Australians to re-evaluate their spending.

Our expert Qantas Super Investment team keeps a close eye on inflation in a variety of ways, with one of these being through our CPI+ objectives. CPI, or the consumer price index, measures the average change over time in the prices paid by households for a basket of goods and services.

We measure our returns against CPI because, as super is a long-term investment, it’s important to ensure that the dollars you invest today will be able to support you decades down the line in your retirement, when the prices of the goods and services you buy are likely to have risen materially from where they are now.

With CPI rising significantly over the last year, a few of our investment options did not meet their CPI+ return objectives as at the 30 June 2023, as was the case for most superannuation funds.

As these options have an investment time horizon of five years or less, Chris explained that the sharp rise in CPI over the last year meant the impact was more significant for these options with a shorter time horizon. Our options with a longer time horizon, on the other hand, continued to exceed their stated objectives.

However, Chris said there’s no need to be concerned. As CPI measures the rate of change over time, he said the results will shift as inflation slows down around the world.

Further progress on our net zero goal

Two years ago, Qantas Super embarked on its goal to achieve net zero carbon emissions across our investment portfolios by 2050, with Phase 1 to be completed by 30 June 2025. Qantas Super made this commitment because we believe that environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors impact investment returns and risks, and contribute to us delivering sustainable growth to our members.

In particular, we believe that climate change adaptation will drive significant investment to decarbonise existing businesses, and drive the creation of new businesses that don’t exist today. These changes represent opportunities to generate great returns for members. At the same time, there are investment risks if action is not taken to understand and manage climate change issues.

After making significant inroads in year one, year two also proved to be a big one in this space, with the team making a number of investments in areas that focus on this theme.

Among these is RFC Ambrian, one of our newest investment managers. A well-established adviser focused on the natural resources, energy, and heavy industrial sectors, Qantas Super will be working closely with RFC Ambrian on making early-stage investments to emerging decarbonisation technologies and critical minerals.

Qantas Super has also invested in pumped hydro energy storage and vanadium redox flow batteries, two technologies that focus on renewable energy storage.

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