What's your next step?
If you’ve reached your preservation age, you could be eligible to supplement your regular income by opening a Qantas Super Income Account.
There are two types you might be able to choose from, depending on your circumstances.

I want to semi-retire
Want to start slowing down but not quite ready to say your final goodbye to the job yet? You can cut back at work and begin to access the benefits of your super in the years leading up to retirement by opening an income account as a transition to retirement member.
This allows you to top up your regular income, while you continue to make contributions and keep the rest of your super invested.

I’m ready to retire
With the hard work done, you can sit back and enjoy your retirement with regular payments from your income account as a retirement member.
Generally, you can open an income account as a retirement member if you’ve reached your preservation age and are permanently retired. You can also open an income account if you change or leave your employer once you’ve turned 60, or once you reach 65, even if you’re still working.
Your payments will be sent to your nominated bank account, just like a salary, and you can choose how often you receive a payment, helping you keep your budget on track. You can also access extra funds from your account when any unexpected expenses pop up.
The rest of your nest egg will remain invested, working hard while you live out your retirement dreams.
Apply to open an income account
Income account bonus
Give your retirement a boost
When you transfer your super to an income account for the first time as a Retirement Member, you could be eligible to receive a special bonus.
With an income account you can...
Receive regular payments
An income account pays you a regular income from your retirement savings. That means you can better manage your day-to-day expenses and those bigger retirement dreams.
Reduce the tax you pay
Before you turn 60, you may receive a 15% discount for the tax you pay on your retirement income. Once you’ve turned 60, you won’t pay tax on the payments you receive from your Income Account. When you open, or switch to, an income account as a retirement member, you won’t pay tax on your investment earnings1.
Keep growing your wealth
Did you know that 60% of a member’s wealth is earned through investment during retirement?2
An Income Account keeps your nest egg invested so it continues to generate returns.
Have flexibility with your money
To cover any expenses that may pop up in retirement, you can make online withdrawals3 from your Income Account. To help with budgeting, you can choose from fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual payments. You also have the option to increase your payment amounts so they stay in line with inflation.
Receive one-on-one support
We’ve been there every step of your career, and we’ll be by your side for your retirement too. Whether you prefer to talk to an expert face-to-face or over the phone, our Super Advice team will be there to answer your questions and support you in your retirement journey.
Check you are eligible
What is your DOB?
Have you ceased current employment?
Have you ceased employment and have no intention of working 10 or more hours a week in the future?
Have you ceased employment due to permanent incapacity or have unrestricted non-preserved money (including death benefit rollovers)?
Based on the information you've provided...
You can open an income account as a Retirement Member
Based on the information you've provided...
You can open an income account as a Transition to Retirement Member
Based on the information you've provided...
You might be too young to open an income account. Please call us on 1300 362 967 if you have a special circumstance that might change your eligibility.
1. Tax applies to investment earnings for income accounts for transition to retirement members. 2. Russell Investments: ‘The 10/30/60 Rule’, January, 2015. 3. Conditions apply. Minimum and maximum drawdown limits apply.
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*The 2024 ratings are issued by SuperRatings Pty Ltd (SuperRatings) ABN: 95 100 192 283 a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No.1309956) of Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561, AFSL No. 421445 (Lonsec Research). Ratings are general advice only and have been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs and are only one factor to be taken into account when deciding whether to invest in a financial product. Consider your personal circumstances, read the product disclosure statement and seek independent financial advice before investing. The rating is not a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold any product. Past performance information is not indicative of future performance. Ratings are subject to change without notice and SuperRatings assumes no obligation to update. SuperRatings uses objective criteria and receives a fee for publishing awards. Visit superratings.com.au for ratings information and to access the full report. © 2024 SuperRatings. All rights reserved.
Other info you might be interested in
Ready for your next step? Find the form you need to open your account below:
Members with an income account belong to our Gateway division.
If you need help making a decision about your super, you can get simple advice over the phone or face-to-face. It’s included as part of your membership, so there’s no extra cost.
More details
You can learn the ins and outs of an Income Account in the Gateway Division Member Guide Supplement.