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This dashboard is designed to help you better understand the returns, fees and level of risk of the Glidepath investment option. Glidepath is the default investment option and MySuper offer within our Gateway division. Use this dashboard to compare this option with other MySuper products.

Please note the returns, fees and costs included in the dashboard are for a representative member with a balance of $50,000 who does not incur any activity fees.

Return target1CPI + 3.6% p.a.CPI + 3.1% p.a.CPI + 2.6% p.a.CPI + 2.3% p.a.
Return2 for year ended 30 June 20156.97% 6.97% 6.97% 6.97%
Return2 for year ended 30 June 20160.58% 0.47% 0.12% 0.16%
Return2 for year ended 30 June 201710.90%9.22% 8.31%6.89%
Return2 for year ended 30 June 201811.65% 9.66%8.71%7.64%
Return2 for year ended 30 June 20197.11%6.63%6.52%5.61%
Return2 for year ended 30 June 2020-2.33%-1.36%-0.98%-0.84%
Return2 for year ended 30 June 202126.42%21.54%17.69%14.92%
Return2 for year ended 30 June 20220.16%0.23%0.82%1.56%
Return2 for year ended 30 June 20237.74%6.89%5.80%4.79%
Return2 for year ended 30 June 202411.42% 9.74% 7.54% 6.89%
Comparison between MySuper return target and return
  • Actual return
  • Moving average return target 3
  • Moving average return 4
  • Actual return
  • Moving average return target 3
  • Moving average return 4
  • Actual return
  • Moving average return target 3
  • Moving average return 4
  • Actual return
  • Moving average return target 3
  • Moving average return 4
Level of investment risk5High: The estimated number of negative annual returns over any 20 year period is between 4 and 6 years.High: The estimated number of negative annual returns over any 20 year period is between 4 and 6 years.Medium to high: The estimated number of negative annual returns over any 20 year period is between 3 and 4 years.Medium to high: The estimated number of negative annual returns over any 20 year period is between 3 and 4 years.
Statement of fees and other costs6$590 p.a.$610 p.a.$590 p.a.$575 p.a.

1Return target – This is the mean annualised estimate of the percentage rate of net return for a representative member invested in one of the Glidepath investment stages above the growth in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) over the next 10 years, from 1 July 2024. This return target is for the 10 years to 1 July 2034, and is net of investment and administration fees and costs, and taxes. The return target differs from that stated in the Gateway Product Disclosure Statement, which is net of investment fees and taxes only. It is not a prediction of future returns, which cannot be guaranteed.

2Return – This figure is calculated for each financial year ending 30 June and is net of all fees, costs and taxes. Glidepath commenced on 1 October 2015, returns preceding this period are from the Growth Essential option (MySuper) which commenced on 1 July 2013.

3Moving average return target – The moving average return target for a particular year is the average of the return targets for the relevant years and the previous years in the comparison period, inclusive of CPI.

4Moving Average Return – A 10 year average annual return for the Glidepath investment stages is calculated based on the annual returns from 30 June 2015 through to 30 June 2024. The moving average returns includes the returns where the Growth Essential option (MySuper) was offered.

5Level of investment risk – Represents the estimated number of years in a 20 year period that a negative net investment return will be incurred. The stated level of risk is based on the Standard Risk Measure (SRM). The SRM is a standard industry guidance to help you compare the risk of each of the Glidepath investment stages with investment options offered by other super funds. The higher the expected return target, the more often you would expect a year of negative returns.

6Statement of fees and other costs – Represents the dollar amount of fees and other costs paid annually by a representative Gateway member with a balance of $50,000 in each of the Glidepath investment stages for the 2024/2025 financial year, excluding any investment gains or losses on the account balance and assuming that no activity fees are incurred. The amount also takes into account the estimated investment fees, including the maximum estimated performance fees, for the 2024/2025 financial year.

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