Qantas Super will be merging with Australian Retirement Trust on 29 March 2025. Learn more.

Did you know as a Qantas Super member, you can receive super help and advice at no additional cost? Whether you prefer to discuss your super in person, over the phone or read it online, the Qantas Super team are here to help you.

Call us

Our friendly helpline are here to help you. Give them a call on 1300 362 967 weekdays from 8am – 7pm AEST / AEDT. If you’re overseas dial +61 3 8306 0957.

Chat to a Super Adviser

If you need help with making a decision about your super, you can chat to a Super Adviser. It’s included as a part of your membership so there’s no extra cost.

Attend a seminar

You can attend a range of seminars designed to help you understand super and better plan to meet your lifestyle goals. Find a topic that interests you and register now.

Learn more online

Our Learning Hub can answer some of the questions you’ve always wanted to ask, helping you understand your super and the simple steps you can take to stay in control.

Send us an email

Prefer to chat over email? No problem, simply log into your account and send us an email from there. If you can’t log in, please contact us via the form below.

Write to us

Our postal address is: Qantas Superannuation Plan, GPO Box 4303, Melbourne VIC 3001
Or send a fax to +61 3 9245 5827.

Other details

Fund name: Qantas Superannuation Plan
ABN: 41 272 198 829
USI: 41 272 198 829 401
SPIN: Qantas Super does not have a SPIN

Qantas Superannuation Limited
ABN: 47 003 806 960

Not a member? Send us a message

If you’re not a member or can’t log in to send us an email, you can send us a message via the form below. If you need immediate help, or are having trouble logging in, please call us on 1300 362 967.

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