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Ryan Greaves has been elected to the Qantas Super Trustee Board, representing Group C.

Almost 150 members voted in the election to appoint a Group C representative – view the results notice.

Members in Group C are classified by Qantas as “Aircraft Trade Persons other than provided for in Group D, Store Workers and Food Production Workers”.

Ryan is taking over in the role from former Group C Director John Sipek, who stepped down from the Board earlier this year after 15 years of dedicated service.

An aircraft maintenance engineer based in Brisbane, Ryan is currently in his last semester of study for a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in both Finance and Commerce.

He said he chose to stand for election because the “roles, responsibilities, and obligations of a member-elected director are crucial in helping align the objectives of the Trustee to those of Fund members”.

Michael Clancy, CEO of Qantas Super, congratulated Ryan on his election.

“Ryan is an enthusiastic advocate for our members, and I look forward to working with him to help our members be confident about their financial future so they can enjoy retirement.”

Ryan was formally appointed to the Board on Thursday 19 September 2019.