Designed for investors with a time horizon of at least seven years, who want to achieve high returns driven by a large exposure to growth assets, with a high degree of risk.
Investment objective
This investment stage aims to:
- achieve a return that exceeds CPI by at least 3.5% pa over a seven year period, after tax and investment fees; and
- limit the likelihood of a negative annual return to less than four and a half in 20 years (or 22.5% likelihood in each year).
Minimum suggested time to invest
7 years.
Risk level
This investment stage has a high degree of risk (risk band 6).
The estimated number of negative annual returns over any 20 year period is around 4.5 years.2
1 The strategic asset allocation is an indication of the proportion of the investment stage assets that are allocated to each asset class. The actual asset allocation to each of the asset classes may vary from time to time, but within the ranges indicated.
2 The figure shown is the estimated number of negative annual returns over any 20 year period for this investment stage. This is different to the investment objective (which aims to limit the likelihood of negative returns to less than a specified number of years).
Asset class | Strategic asset allocation1 (%) | Range (%) |
Equities | 60 | 45-75 |
Alternatives | 20 | 5-35 |
Fixed interest | 16 | 1-31 |
Cash | 4 | 0-19 |