Qantas Super will be merging with Australian Retirement Trust on 29 March 2025. Learn more.

Got a question about your super? Mo’s got the answer!

Though it may seem worlds away from superannuation, the experience of working in a call centre for a pay TV company has proven useful for Mohammed Hasnane (Mo) giving him a solid understanding of how to help customers with complex technical queries.

Mo, Qantas Super’s newest Member Care consultant, spent a couple of years in this role before starting his career in superannuation with an administrator. He worked as a senior customer service officer across five funds, helping members with enquiries about everything from how defined benefit works to managing redundancy.

“Before starting the role, I’d never really thought that much about superannuation, so the job gave me a great insight into super and how important it is,” Mo said. “I quickly became really passionate about educating people about the benefits of superannuation and what they can do to start making the most of it.”

Mo then moved to the administrator’s insurance team, working as a case manager. Here, he helped members with questions about their applications for cover, underwriting, eligibility for claims and the claims approval process, and more.

After five years in this role, Mo was encouraged to join Qantas Super by Zaheed Khan, an old colleague who had joined the fund to launch our Member Care team in 2021.

“I was attracted to Qantas Super because it’s a small, boutique fund, which means that there are a lot of tangible things that we can do for members that will have a real impact,” Mo said.

“At my previous job, I worked with funds that had hundreds of thousands or even millions of members, where it was a bit harder to make a difference.”

As a Member Care consultant, Mo will be working to help members with more complex enquiries that can’t always be solved by a quick call to the Helpline, as well as providing general advice through one-on-one appointments and visits to bases across Australia.

Having joined Qantas Super in late 2022, Mo has been steadily getting up to speed with the intricacies of the fund and meeting members.

“I’m loving every single day,” Mo said.

You can meet Mo by booking a one-on-one appointment for simple questions below.

Other ways you can get help

Attend a seminar

You can attend a range of seminars designed to help you understand super and better plan to meet your lifestyle goals. The seminars are free for you to attend.

Email us

Prefer to chat over email? No problem, simply log into your account and send us an email from there. We’re ready to help you.

Learn online

Our Learning Hub has the answers to your super questions, helping you understand your super and the simple steps you can take to stay in control.